Yearly Archives: 2016

The tough gets going.

Budgets come and go. We unfailingly judge every budget. Our judgements happen based on the way the budget speech is constructed. The imaginative writing of a speech tends to excite markets. But, budgets have to rise beyond the speech and deliver on the numbers. This naturally happens over the entire year. So, what is the hype and hoopla all about? Budgets…

Be the difference

One can’t do what everybody else does and hope to garner great successes in equity investing. Yet, investors unfailingly do just that. The obsessive hunt for small cap, microcap and Midcap ideas have unleashed a valuation bubble in 2015 that seemed invincible. Most seasoned investors were dismayed at the investor behaviour and yet…

Think Macro

Drawing up parallels is one way of arriving at investment decisions. In similar scenarios during the past, the stock market behaved identically. There are phases when investors shift gears and change tack very quickly. Investors seem set to come out of their investment strategy of 2015 and head into a…