Who does TruBlu Suit?

TruBlu is meant for the disciplined investor who wants to experience high quality investing with lower drawdowns.

Blue chip funds India

How easy is it for conservative equity investors to find a true to label bluechip investment solution? In today’s investing climate, bluechip investing often contains elements of other investment styles. Investors find themselves in passive products, misleading ones, or expensive ones.

With TruBlu you own the bluest of blue chips and nothing else. Investors pay only for performance and benefit from active management.

Buying blue chips at any price or at any time doesn’t create wealth. This is a time-tested proof. TruBlu adds value to bluechip investing by maintaining a high active share. The endeavour is to buy the best companies at the right valuations. Following a disciplined approach with valuation delivers alpha. Fund manager discretion ensures that investors participate in the right bluechip ideas at the right time and in the right amount.

We believe that wealth creation and wealth preservation through bluechip investing should be enjoyable. TruBlu is designed for investors to experience lower drawdowns and better risk-adjusted returns. Classic buy and hold investing results in low churn and better post tax returns.

TruBlu: Low Risk PMS with Low Volatility

Trublu stands out from traditional large cap funds and portfolio management services for a variety of reasons. First, TruBlu has a well-defined investment universe of the best large cap stocks. This ensures that TruBlu portfolios score high on quality. Second, we follow a buy and hold strategy. This approach results in more tax efficient long-term returns. Third, the funds are actively managed both in terms of cash calls and position sizing. The aim is to deliver better risk adjusted returns which reflect in TruBlu’s lower beta and drawdown statistics.

No Performance Fee Or 0% Fixed Fees: Your Choice

TruBlu is designed for investors to choose how they want to reward performance. There are two fee options. One that allows investors to pay only for performance and another that charges only a flat fee and no performance fee. TruBlu has no exit load.

Option 1: 0% Fixed Fee + Performance Fees of 20% profit share above a hurdle of 6%, no catch up.
Option 2: 1.00% Fixed Fee (excluding GST and other expenses)

TRUBLU Performance - January 2025


Minimum investment
₹ 50,00,000
Exit Terms
Option 1: 0% Fixed Fee + Performance Fees of 20% profit share above a hurdle of 6%, no catch up.
Option 2: 1.00% Fixed Fee (excluding GST and other expenses)
Single Stock Exposure
Not to exceed 25% of the total NAV of the portfolio.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is TRUBLU meant for?
TRUBLU is designed for high net worth individuals expecting reasonable long-term returns with a moderate risk appetite. First time investors, individuals with retirement corpus, family offices and institutional investors.
We recommend TRUBLU for investors who have a minimum investment horizon of 3 years.
How should one position TRUBLU in their overall equity portfolio?
TRUBLU is a resilient, high-quality portfolio that should be a part of your CORE wealth chest!
What is the fee structure?
We follow an investor centric model with our interests aligned with those of investor. We provide investors with the option to choose from TWO models. Model 1: Outcome based model with a Performance fee of 20% over a hurdle of 6% PA (All other expenses are actuals; Fees excluding GST) Model 2: For investors who want to keep it simple, our second model charges a 1% Fixed Fee. (All other expenses are actuals; Fees excluding GST)
What is the exit load?
What does TRUBLU do differently?
TRUBLU is designed based on first principles. We eliminate first to define the universe before building the portfolio. Nassim Nicholas Taleb in “Skin in the game”: “We know with much more clarity what is bad than what is good. Via negativa (acting by removing) is more powerful and less error-prone than via positiva (acting by addition)”.