Shyam Sekhar

Learn with Buffett

Two distinctly different investment trends are very visible now. Legendary investors like Warren Buffett are moving away from what were their core beliefs. Buying tech and gold mining companies and selling financials indicates a paradigm shift in investment beliefs. Globally, we see paradigms shifting and moving towards a defensive stance where…

Seek Safety

When interest rates are low, the dollar is weak, bond prices are high, stocks are rising and gold is soaring.  Investing tends to be perplexing. Making choices becomes tougher with every passing day. The issue becomes complex as asset inflation seems elastic, demand seems persistent, and prices seem infallible. It…


Double FOMO

The fear of missing out is inescapable. It usually manifests in a singular way. People get obsessed with one thing. This obsession grows so much that everybody becomes greedy exactly when they must be fearful. They end up buying something without thinking of the valuation, attractiveness or return potential. The…