The American voting is already at an advanced stage with significantly more voters preferring to use the postal ballot. By November 3rd, we will see the highest voter turnout in recent history.
This election will be influenced more by those who decide not to vote than by those who vote. The reason is simple. The exercising voter is already decided and decisive. Whereas, the abstaining voter will give an advantage to the participating voter.
That said, the market story seems no different. Investors who sold the rally and decisively took money off the table in US markets may turn out smarter if volatility lives up to this present promise. The spectacular uptrend of recent months may not be easy to reclaim for a very long time if markets correct. Moreover, when the market recovers from such a fall, the leading stocks may be a very different subset. Investing through such turbulence is actually a great opportunity. Especially if you read the shifting alignment of the market, position yourself correctly, and prepare well to take advantage of turbulence.
Those who missed the opportunity to participate in the March fall must do better with their investments in a potential correction that can take place. Being prepared mentally and financially is the need of the hour.