Wealth creation is no fairy tale!

Success stories often sound like fairy tales where one is led to believe that sudden transformations change a person’s fortunes. But, in practice, transformation is a process. Most processes are slow, measured, and milestone-driven. Each little change that a person made to the process matters greatly to the outcome. But, if one were to painstakingly narrate little nuances when they summarize success stories, readers will lose interest mid-way.

So, writers workaround that risk by speeding things up. In that accelerated push with which a person’s success story is told to us, we could end up missing the crux of the story which is the process. When you transform yourself from reader to doer, you will need to hunt down the process that will work for you. And, you will need to constantly work on it.

When you wear the hat of a doer in wealth creation, you will actually need to play it like a race in slow-cycling. And, imagine a slow-cycling race that also has to attain milestones thrown in as a variable. What if in the slow-cycling race you must not reach some milestones before a particular timeline. Keep this example in mind and we will pick up the threads later.

Doing things to a plan is important to your wealth creation process. Not doing things before they become due as per your plan is even more important. You need to do a few things at the right time. You must not do a few things before they are due.

In summation, wealth creation is about pursuing a process approach. It is about setting a slow pace to achieving goals and keeping measured actions going. It is about reaching milestones at the right time and going forward towards the next ones in a calibrated manner.


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