The ownership factor in investing

Dear Investor,

Greetings from ithought!

Successful investing is all about having a sense of ownership. Think of your past experiences in equity investing. Ask yourself why the bets you took in mutual funds did not play out as expected. Could you have done things differently to bring about the right outcome? What would have made the difference?

We thought about this hard. Being an investor helped. We knew how things go wrong. We knew what it took to do things right. Some basics need to be always right if your investing ought to work. Firstly, you need the right knowledge to deliver. Secondly, you need to know the art of deciding. Decisions count and ought to be timely. Thirdly, you need to have a method to manage. A method to manage yourself, the knowledge on hand, and to keep the decisions going.

Now banks, with their executives flying all-around money like prying vultures, simply don’t mean to do any of this. In fact, they simply aren’t equipped to do any of what we just mentioned. Bluntly put, any seasoned investor knows this truth. Only that, this is well concealed from the bank’s customers. Nothing will change in the way the banks work with your money. In fact, nothing will change the investment outcomes except chance.

ithought was ideated to be the alternative. A venture where knowledge, decisions, and method stand out.  Where capital is deployed, managed, and grown with a sense of ownership. It is exactly how a sensible and hard-nosed investor would handle his money; an approach to investing with a strong sense of ownership.

With the markets in a state of hopeless apathy and the previous bull market a full four years behind, the stage is set for the next bull run to take birth. We believe that it is a matter of time before equity recoups interest. The best thing you can do now is to rework your approach to equities. Try an approach to investing whose strong sense of ownership would make a difference to your outcome.

What better time to begin than when the chips are down? There is little to lose and so much to gain.

Investing is not simply about placing money. It is about placing faith on the right people.

Happy investing!

Warm Regards,
Shyam Sekhar,
Chief ideator, ithought.