Show patience. Volatility must not bother you.

Investing is the intersection of economics and psychology.–Seth Klarman

On women’s day, we thought it may be a good thing to let out a little secret. We did this little experiment in our office. Our research team has a majority of women who do the analytics & research support. Effectively, most of our research is founded on their groundwork. Yet, when it comes to making decisions, they used to show certain diffidence. So, we thought it may be a good idea to open up investment decision making and make it compulsory for everyone to participate in a team portfolio. The results were interesting and certainly reinforced the belief that women were second to none in investing. Our engagement with customers brings out different levels of participation of women in their family’s investing. Women have strong investing habits like patience, discipline & a systematic approach. These are extremely critical investing habits and give them a clear edge over the majority. Yet, most of our customers are men who deal on behalf of their women as well. The power of 49 is not just for voting folks. Investing should also be your domain and one hopes to see more women handle equity investing.

Istrat: Steer clear of volatility.