Pursuing Financial Independence

Every one of us values our independence, the freedom to make our choices, to choose our lifestyle, fashion our careers, and live life our way. All these choices require one basic supporting factor, which is financial independence. Whatever we aspire to do, we will always need to be well provided for.

Independence always has a financial angle encircling it. There is no escaping the need to be financially well provided for. Therefore, we often use the phrase #FinancialIndependence almost inseparably. If you want to be independent, you need to be financially independent. Yet, most of us focus on other aspects of independence more than on our financial well-being. It is this tendency to undermine financial duties that one must always avoid to ensure that our independence is always with us, and never going to be taken away.

Being financially independent is the core to being individually independent. On the occasion of India’s 75th Independence, we should once again pledge to become individually financially independent at the earliest and ensure that every Indian has his way with life choices. Disciplined investing and patient waiting will ensure that every investor reaches financial independence.

The focus on being financially independent can have a positive ripple effect on an investor’s life in multiple ways. It enriches you financially and beyond, providing choices in every aspect of life. Investors must always seek a better life only through the pursuit of early financial independence.

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