Make Your A-List Unique for 2020


A friend was in a state of gloom. He was feeling bad that he hadn’t bought those five big winners of 2019. “If I had bought those, I could have returned big.” Hindsight retained its teaching honours.

But, there still is a future beyond those five names. So the next best hint would be to look for the best five of 2020. “So, how about picking the bets five bets of 2020? Isn’t that a better thing to do than sulk?” Now, he was getting into a deeper sulk mode. “Who knows what will do well? These aren’t secular markets”. Now, he was getting more and more into liberal sulk mode.

Interestingly, he was accepting that this was a smart investor’s game. Tacitly, he agrees that the markets aren’t going to be easy to invest in. So, that’s the setting we have to overcome. There’s no escaping finding new ways, making smarter choices, and betting on future winners. As we roll out of a very volatile year, it is time to think of what will work in 2020.

Most certainly, there’s going to be a fresh, new list waiting to be written.

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