ithought market wrap No. 43, 16 Aug 2011
Quick edit: Inflation is a wild thing. Stoking it is a nightmare for central bankers. The only tool in their hand is […]
ithougth market Wrap No. 42, 09 Aug 2011
Quick edit: We find it strange that everyone around us is using the short term Index trends to make long term investment […]
ithought market wrap No. 41, 02 Aug 2011
Quick edit: When Investors choose safety over risk, they buy capital protection products, gold, insurance and other options they believe will achieve […]
ithought market wrap No. 40, 26 July 2011
Quick Edit: Forecasting market sentiment is far worse than forecasting the weather. Weather forecasting has advanced technology at work to help predict […]
ithought market wrap 39,July 2011
Quick edit: The stock markets seem to be racing to the bottom. Nobody knows where the bottom is. The race is fueled […]
ithought market wrap 38, 12 July 2011
Quick Edit: Confidence seems to be a scarce commodity these days. Markets are fueled constantly by confidence and its ebbing level is […]
Dealing with loss
Investing is about making a profit. We invest money in something hoping to make money out of it. While we do make […]
Big bazaar has captured the imagination of the hungry consuming class. If you are one of those who wants to buy […]
The party maybe coming to an end.
The years of easy money may finally be coming to an end. Banks were lending freely and at lower rates for […]
The Art of Bottom Fishing.
Nothing works for an investment portfolio like sensible bottom fishing. Bottom fishing in the stock market ensures that you pick great stocks […]
What next, Mr.Market ?
Mr.Market has been selling through the first half of 2011. Nothing seems to restore his confidence in the market and recent […]
Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone.
You have just finished doing 50 pushups and your trainer being ruthless orders another 50. Drenched in sweat and exhausted you don’t […]