Are macros turning in favour?
The return of the FII’s on the buy side has turned things upside down. Until now, the FIIs were mostly sellers and […]
UPtrend returns!
The markets have hit a new normal. Political capital is no more a worry for the Government. Now, the Modi government can […]
Being Patient Pays
“Investing is not supposed to be easy, and anybody who finds it easy is stupid.” These words of Charlie Munger were highlighted […]
Will the Markets Pause?
Global factors keep returning again and again to haunt our markets. Just when we believed that we are de-coupled from global markets, […]
Focus On A Plan
Most people make investments because they want to. They often ignore & overlook whether they actually need to. Investing works very well […]
Queering The Pitch
There is something about history. It often repeats itself. It has a pattern. Market cycles have a classic repetitive pattern too. Investors […]